Monday, December 11, 2006

Freedom - The beginning.

The boy stared at his hands. The gnarly brown appendages he was given by God. He looked at them, probing them for some fault. For some mistake. Why was it him? The glory of the civilisations had come to rest in the Cradle of Life, and the Cradle chose him to be Keeper. A feather, a scroll, a mask and a sword. The worlds had ended, the universe had restarted its timers, and in those possessions was the power of the galaxies. The boy was given this power. The Gods had picked him for a task that he knew nothing off. He figured that the answer lay in his hands. On his knees, in the barren wasteland of an alien world. The boy stared stoicly at his hands. He knew that everything was over, and that his life was about to change. He just took it in, and didn't say anything. He didn't cry, he didn't laugh. He just watched, soaking in the strange world, the landscape, the heavens. The boy was witnessing the Beginning. Things began to change rapidly around him. Mountains formed and collapsed. Rivers flowed, and ran dry. Life forms writhed on the ground only to evolve and die. He watched, taking it all in, storing it in his brain as fast as he was taking it in. The worlds, the cosmos, the galaxies, the suns, the stars, all beginning. This was where it all began. He stood in the middle of the unvirse, taking everything in, from every single planet.
When everything had basically formed, the clock resumed, and time began to step through its neverending journey. The boy looked around; he was standing in a grassy glade on some planet. As he watched, a figure materialised in front of him. A beatiful female figure, clothed in nothing but a single red strip of cloth that ran between her legs and covered her breasts. She was the most beautiful thing ever, and she smiled it him. He felt his first emotion: bliss. She spoke, and he closed his ears as soon as she was done, so as to capture the beautiful sound.
"You will be called Nemo."


siddharth b said...

joy!! u startd writin again!
wat happnd to d other posts??

SLRao said...

Oh, you.
The beginning for the blog too?eh?
Well at least one of us cares enough about his blog.